About the documentary.

Many South Asian female students in Canada face tough challenges—high living costs, job struggles, and cultural adjustments. But there’s a darker issue often left unspoken: sexual abuse and harassment by men within their own communities.

From landlords to professors, those expected to protect are preying on these vulnerable young women. In our documentary, we bring light to these harsh realities. Hear directly from survivors, counselors, and advocates pushing for urgent change.

Hear from experts.

Get Involved.

These organizations are working to support survivors and raise awareness across community and political channels. Visit their websites to learn how to get involved.

Sunoh Charity

We are an International Independent Charity Organization focused on issues such as Sex Trafficking and Mental Health of International Students encouraging Governments and Civil Society to be aware, pay heed and help reduce the spread of these issues that ultimately affect society.


Punjabi Community Health Services

Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS) is a pioneering community-based, non-profit charitable organization with a 33-year history of serving diverse populations.


One Voice Canada is a non-profit created to support vulnerable migrants, primarily students.


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